Get At Me, Bro

An Open Letter to My Brother

You probably don’t know this, but it was pouring rain the night you were born. A couple hours after Mom left to go to the hospital, part of our roof caved in.

I was …

Home Training

So, if you ever buy a house, I strongly recommend just getting one built to suit your needs.

We didn’t do that, so our front door is nearly in the middle of the front wall of the living room. For …

No Mas

These Cavs are done.

I hope that their entire brand of basketball is done, too.

Their games are just too hard to watch.  The only moments that are half-way watchable are the ones in which LeBron does something incredible.  It’s …


Not only is this my first WooConf, it is my first solo trip for any WordPress-related event.  Normally, I am my wife’s trusty sidekick.  So, this has been quite a change.  One thing that’s not going to change is my …

Getting Back on the (Armored) Horse

So.  Nine months without logging in to World of Warcraft.  This is probably the longest I’ve gone without playing or being subbed since launch in 2004.  Ironically, my lapse began during the ‘busy season’ a couple of months after Legion, …

Lighter Fare

I haven’t posted much about gaming recently, because reasons.

I have been playing a pretty consistent bit of Heroes of the Storm, though, and will be for the forseeable future now that I have my brother hooked.  He has quite …

Full-time Refs?

Here’s a fun fact many people don’t know:  Being an NFL referee is not a full-time gig.  Now, don’t get me wrong- they are well compensated- the average being ~$175,000 a season.  They also receive ‘bonuses’ for reffing playoff games …